*LOCATION HERE* Social Security Disability Lawyers

Putting Benefits Within Reach and Connecting You with a Better Future


Disability Benefits Are Designed to Help Get You Back on Your Feet

The Social Security Administration regulates the federal programs under which individuals may receive disability benefits.  The two main programs are Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security disability insurance (SSD).

SSI is for those who are disabled with limited income and few resources and is need-based. In contrast, SSD serves disabled workers who have paid into the Social Security system through prior work experience. Based on your situation, you may qualify for one or both programs. Both programs require proving that you meet Social Security's standard for what it means to be disabled. It is just the initial eligibility criteria that differ.

Being unable to work and losing the ability to support yourself and your family can be devastating.
At Kerr Robichaux & Carroll, we know the significant impact that receiving disability benefits can have on our clients' lives. This is why our practice is devoted to one thing: maximizing benefits for every client.

Sometimes people are off work a long time before they apply for disability benefits. It could be that their health got in the way of getting the paperwork done, or that they were holding on to hope they would get better and return to work. If you are concerned that you waited too long to apply for benefits based on your work credits, please contact us to discuss your options.

There are many things we can do to help Social Security understand that your problems started before your SSD insured status expired. We can help you determine the date you were last insured for disability, if ever, based on your work history.

The process of claiming disability benefits under either SSD or SSI programs can be confusing, and the application and appeal process can be lengthy. In addition, claims are subject to a tangle of red tape, and restrictions can put applicants at a disadvantage. As a result, some people wait years before receiving the disability benefits needed to live comfortably. We can help with that process.

If you or a loved one are considering applying for Social Security disability benefits or appealing a denial of benefits, our experienced team at Kerr Robichaux & Carroll can offer invaluable services and the comprehensive support you need to help you achieve the best possible result.

We Make A Difference When You Need It Most.

There are many steps along the road to obtaining disability benefits. We know every detail about the claims process.

Our team will work to make this difficult time more bearable by ensuring your filing process is as stress-free as possible.

In all cases, we will work with you throughout the entire process, including:

  • Determining which federal program or programs you qualify for
  • Securing the correct documentation to support your application
  • Filing the necessary paperwork
  • Meeting important deadlines
  • Appealing a claim that has been denied
  • Representing you at your hearing with an Administrative Law Judge

Because of the complexities of the application process, too many deserving people delay applying for benefits or give up after a denial. Don't let that to happen to you. At Kerr Robichaux & Carroll, making a difference is our mission. We genuinely care about your future, and nothing stops us from getting you the benefits you deserve.

Don't Start Planning for a Life Without the Support You Need. Call Kerr Robichaux & Carroll Today.

We take our commitment to our clients very seriously, and we'll go to great lengths to ensure that you get the benefits you deserve. If you would like help with your disability claim from an experienced team of lawyers, contact us today. Our team will stand by your side every step of the way to guide you. Call (503) 255-9092 or fill out the contact form below to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation.

See what our clients have to say


John Doe.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet ribeye shank pig, corned beef porchetta jerky andouille bresaola pork short loin pancetta cow ball tip ham hock. Kielbasa short ribs porchetta meatloaf t-bone beef ribs filet mignon burgdoggen pancetta capicola chuck biltong corned beef beef ground round. Jowl pork chop brisket, turkey alcatra ham chislic. Shoulder rump filet mignon tongue cow, shankle doner kielbasa chislic landjaeger sirloin jowl leberkas ribeye frankfurter. Sirloin ham meatball kevin brisket doner jerky tail short ribs tenderloin rump pastrami. Corned beef pork chop pork belly beef boudin shank. Tenderloin frankfurter flank, shoulder bresaola spare ribs capicola meatball landjaeger.

John Doe.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet ribeye shank pig, corned beef porchetta jerky andouille bresaola pork short loin pancetta cow ball tip ham hock. Kielbasa short ribs porchetta meatloaf t-bone beef ribs filet mignon burgdoggen pancetta capicola chuck biltong corned beef beef ground round. Jowl pork chop brisket, turkey alcatra ham chislic. Shoulder rump filet mignon tongue cow, shankle doner kielbasa chislic landjaeger sirloin jowl leberkas ribeye frankfurter. Sirloin ham meatball kevin brisket doner jerky tail short ribs tenderloin rump pastrami. Corned beef pork chop pork belly beef boudin shank. Tenderloin frankfurter flank, shoulder bresaola spare ribs capicola meatball landjaeger.

John Doe.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet ribeye shank pig, corned beef porchetta jerky andouille bresaola pork short loin pancetta cow ball tip ham hock. Kielbasa short ribs porchetta meatloaf t-bone beef ribs filet mignon burgdoggen pancetta capicola chuck biltong corned beef beef ground round. Jowl pork chop brisket, turkey alcatra ham chislic. Shoulder rump filet mignon tongue cow, shankle doner kielbasa chislic landjaeger sirloin jowl leberkas ribeye frankfurter. Sirloin ham meatball kevin brisket doner jerky tail short ribs tenderloin rump pastrami. Corned beef pork chop pork belly beef boudin shank. Tenderloin frankfurter flank, shoulder bresaola spare ribs capicola meatball landjaeger.

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